This is type of good quality rice in Vietnam market. ST24 rice long grain, white, purely, not chalky. Cooked rice looks purely, neatly together be very nice. It has characteristic taste, very elastic, sweet, feeling delicious when eating and makes people deep remember and cannot forget. Thông số kỹ thuật (Physical specifications)
- Tấm (Broken) (3/4 basis): 5.0% Max
- Độ Ẩm (Moisture): 14.0% Max
- Tạp chất (Foreign Matters): 0.1% Max
- Hạt đỏ, sọc đỏ (Red & Red Streaked Kernels): 0.5% Max
- Hạt vàng (Yellow Kernels): 0.5% Max
- Hạt hư (Damaged Kernels): 0.5% Max
- Bạc bụng (Chalky Kernels) (3/4 basis): 2.0% Max
- Hạt thóc (Paddy): 1 Grain/Kg Max
- Chiều dài trung bình hạt (Average Length Of Whole Grain): 7.2mm Min
- Độ thuần (Purity): 90% min
- Độ xay xát xay xát kỹ, đánh bóng 2 lần, tách màu (Milling Degree: Well Milled, Double Polished & Sortexed)