Appearance: has long and relatively thin shape with translucent white color.
New / fresh crop has strong fragrant scent.
After cooked: the rice is soft a little bit sticky with slight sweet flavour providing very good taste
Thông số kỹ thuật (Physical specifications)
- Tấm (Broken) (3/4 basis): 5.0% Max
- Độ Ẩm (Moisture): 14.0% Max
- Tạp chất (Foreign Matters): 0.1% Max
- Hạt đỏ, sọc đỏ (Red & Red Streaked Kernels): 0.25% Max
- Hạt vàng (Yellow Kernels): 0.25% Max
- Hạt hư (Damaged Kernels): 0.25% Max
- Bạc bụng (Chalky Kernels) (3/4 basis): 2.0% Max
- Hạt thóc (Paddy): 1 Grain/Kg Max
- Chiều dài trung bình hạt (Average Length Of Whole Grain): 6.8mm Min
- Độ thuần (Purity): 90% min
- Độ xay xát xay xát kỹ, đánh bóng 2 lần, tách màu (Milling Degree: Well Milled, Double Polished & Sortexed)
New / fresh crop has strong fragrant scent.
After cooked: the rice is soft a little bit sticky with slight sweet flavour providing very good taste
Thông số kỹ thuật (Physical specifications)
- Tấm (Broken) (3/4 basis): 5.0% Max
- Độ Ẩm (Moisture): 14.0% Max
- Tạp chất (Foreign Matters): 0.1% Max
- Hạt đỏ, sọc đỏ (Red & Red Streaked Kernels): 0.25% Max
- Hạt vàng (Yellow Kernels): 0.25% Max
- Hạt hư (Damaged Kernels): 0.25% Max
- Bạc bụng (Chalky Kernels) (3/4 basis): 2.0% Max
- Hạt thóc (Paddy): 1 Grain/Kg Max
- Chiều dài trung bình hạt (Average Length Of Whole Grain): 6.8mm Min
- Độ thuần (Purity): 90% min
- Độ xay xát xay xát kỹ, đánh bóng 2 lần, tách màu (Milling Degree: Well Milled, Double Polished & Sortexed)